Event 2024

May 4 - 5

Paternoster sailings

Marstrands Segelsällskap arranges the Paternoster sailings, where the sailings take place on the south between Marstrandsön and Klöverön. The sailboats that are sailed are OK dinghies and fin dinghies.

May 23 - 26

SM in Drake

GKSS organizes SM in Drake, a bank app sailing that is sailed in Marstrand. Drake is a three-man sailboat
The sailboats will be on the G jetty in the guest harbor when they are not competing.

May 24 - 26

Marstrand Big Boat Race


Marstrand Big Boat Race

Marstrand's Sailing Society is organizing the Big Boat Race 2024 at Marstrand. The competition days are May . The competition takes place in the form of a track race that is sailed out on the Marstrandsfjorden. All boats get a "handicap" depending on how fast the boat model that the racers line up with. The total time from each race is added together with the boat's handicap to finally choose a winner, so it is not always the fastest to the finish that wins the race. The race is on the Marstrandsfjorden.
The sailboats will lie on the G and H piers in the guest harbor when they are not competing.

June 1 - 2

Herring Weekend

During Herring Weekend, according to tradition, Marstrands eateries compete for who makes the best herring paste, where you as a visitor with a purchased Herring Pass taste all their fantastic herring pastes and vote for which one you think is the best. This years Herring King/Herring Queen of Marstrand will also be chosen, where you as a visitor can submit your own competition entry. For more information about the event, see the organizers own website: sillenshelg.se

June 14 - 16

Marstrand Race days

Marstrands Segelsällskap arranges Marstrand Race days where sailings are held in several different classes.
The sailboats will be on pier G and H pier in the guest harbor when they are not competing.

June 14 - 16

Midsummer solo Challenge

Marstrands Sailing Society organizes the seventh edition of the Midsummer Solo Challenge. The racing sailors may line up with any boat they want and no ratings apply. The boats sailed single-handed, which means that there is only one person on the boat. The start and finish takes place on Marstrandsfjorden in the total 123 nm long race, with the northernmost point at Ramskär lighthouse.
The sailboats will lie on the G and H piers in the guest harbor when they are not competing.

June 19 - 23

RC 44 Cup

The regatta is organized by Marstrands Sailing Society and is part of an international tour where Marstrand together with four other destinations will host in 2024. In 2024 Marstrand will host together with Calero Marinas (Lanzarote, Spain), Baiona (Spain), Brunnen (Switzerland) and the Caribbean. RC44 are carbon fiber boats where the owners of the boats are and sail together with elite sailors. The Swedish team Artemis Racing competes in tour this year. The race is sailed out on Marstrandsfjorden.
The sailboats will be on pier G in the guest harbor when they are not competing.

July 1 - 6

GKSS Match Cup Sweden

Match Cup Sweden is organized by GKSS, where the Match Race sailings, like last , will also be broadcast live on TV. The boat type is Fareast 28r. The sailing is a competition in "Open" format where the best ranked teams in the world qualify. The race is sailed to the outside the Strandverket, between Marstrandsön and Klöverön. For more information about event, see the organizer's own website: gkssmatchcupsweden.se.
The sailboats will be on pier H in the guest harbor when they are not competing

August 9 - 11

The turn of the century days

August 9-11, it will once again be time to turn back time to the turn of the last century and experience Marstrand as a sea resort. Bathing shoes, kings, cars, markets, theater performances, star boats, orchestras and much, much more are in place to transform Marstrand into something magical that only existed in the past. You can follow the event on their website sekelskiftesdagarna.seand Facebook "Sekelskiftesdagarna på Marstrand" for planning, updates and memories
Old wooden boats and schooners will lie on the Quay during these days.

August 12 - 17

Youth WC RS Aero

Marstrands Segelsällskap arranges the Youth WC RS Aero where the sailings will be on the Marstrandsfjorden.

August 23 - 25

Marstrand Motorboat Show

The weekend of August 23-25, Sweboat organizes a floating boat fair in Marstrand. The exhibition boats will be motor boats. For more information about the event, the organizer's own website: marstrandmotorboatshow.se.
During the event, berths G and H in the guest harbor will be reserved for exhibition boats.

31 August - 1 September

SM in CB 66

Marstrands Segelsällskap arranges SM in CB 66, where the sailings will be sailed on south between Marstrandsön and Klöverön.
The boats will lie on pier H in the guest harbor when they are not competing.

September 21 - 22

FEVA sprint race

Marstrands Sailing Society arranges the FEVA sprint race where the sailings will be on the south between Marstrandsön and Klöverön.

October 5 - 6

The Master of Sailing

Marstrands Sailing Society organizes the Sailing Masters, where this years Swedish Masters over who is the best when it comes down to it. The sailings take place close to land on short, intensive courses, outside the Strandverket in Marstrand.

October 12 - 13

Women on Water/Allsvenskan qualifiers

Marstrands Sailing Society arranges Women on Water/Allsvenskan qualifiers. The competitors clubs sail in J/70 boats, where the race will be sailed outside the Strandverket in Marstrand.

30 November - 1 December


Marstrands Segelsällskap arranges FrostBite, where the sailings are held outside the Strandverket and in the harbor in Marstrand.

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